100% Real Martial Arts
At Barton's, we teach authentic martial arts in the true traditional method of the Oriental Masters. We take pride in offering a wide range of quality classes for every age and fitness level. Our goal is to teach the skills of martial arts and in the process instill our students, young and old, with greater confidence, self-esteem, respect and self-discipline.
Barton's Martial Arts has been serving Collingwood and Area since 1988 and we are the most qualified instructors in the area!
After 25 years of having a 5 schools, Patrick Barton is retiring from having a commercial dojo. As of November 1st, 2013 , Black belts and a few students will be training at the Barton home dojo.
Please email bartonsmartialarts@sympatico.ca if you are interested in small group classes in our private study group, we accept a few new students each year. Thank you Collingwood and area!!! We have taught over 5000 students since 1988
When you come into our dojo, you need to set your mental clock back many many years! We do things differently - we are not a bussines that believes the customer is always right, we do not believe in doing things to keep parents and students happy.Think of our dojo (school) as almost a "lifestyle camp". We expect extreme politeness and manners rarely seen anymore, students are to show up to class early. Students help clean the dojo (training area) and are expected to always act as ladies and gentlemen-keeping in mind that they represent not only our school but the martial arts as a whole. Our goal is to teach respect and manners first and technique second.

6th Degree Black Belt Ju-Jitsu
4th Degree Black Belt Aiki-Ju-Jitsu
5th Degree Black Belt Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate (OGKK)
2nd Degree Black Belt Kempo Karate/ Shotokan
Brown Belt instructor - Brazilian/ Gracie Jujitsu -Behring Style
Patrick Barton - Sensei
Chief Instructor

Training at Barton's Martial arts since 1995
Former JJIF Canadian 180lb Champion
7th place World Ju-jitsu Championships JJIF
3rd Degree Black Belt OGKK -graded at dojo Hichiya Dojo, Shuri Okinawa
3rd Degree Black Belt -Nihon Ryu Jujitsu
Colin Heitman
Dai Senpai

2nd degree black belt OGKK
Indtructor of kids program with Barton Sensei
The worlds most patient instructor!!
Gord Watson
705-446-3222 | bartonsmartialarts@gmail.com
Barton's Martial Arts - Collingwood, ON - L9Y 1A1